
Future Perfect – grammar

The future perfect is a verb tense used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the future. It is used for talking about an action that will be completed between now and some point in the future. 

Future Perfect tenseI’ll have finished by then.

Forming Future Perfect sentences

The future perfect is formed by using will have + the past participle of the main verb.

Contraction with Future Perfect Continuous

When we speak or write informally, we often contract the subject and WILL:

I’ll have been waiting here for five hours.

We’ll have left Spain by 5PM.

In negative sentences, we may contract with won’t:

John won´t have arrived by Monday.

I won´t have finished this book by tomorrow.

Using Future Perfect

The Future Perfect tense expresses action in the future before another action in the future. It refers to a completed action in the future. We use future perfect when we are projecting ourselves forward into the future and looking back at an action that will be completed sometime later than now.


By the time he reads this letter I will have left.

Won’t he have arrived by 7:00?

You will have finished your essay by Friday.

Rian will have joined us at the meeting before you arrive.

He will have arranged all the necessary materials before the class begins.

Your mom will have shopped at that supermarket before we come home.

Robin will have gone to the book club before he comes home.

I will have finished work at 6 o’clock.

Future Perfect tenseI will have finished work at 6 o’clock.

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