
Everybody, everyone, everywhere and everything (grammar)

Everybody, everyone, everywhere and everything are indefinite pronouns and we use them to talk about a total number of something, for example people or things.


My name is Peter, but everybody calls me Pete.

Everyone loves Raymond.

Why I always have to do everything alone?

He would like to go everywhere and see everything. He just loves travelling.

We use everybody, everyone, everywhere and everything with singular verbs:

Everybody knows where Australia is.

Everything looks fresh after rain.

If we do not know if everybody or everyone is male or female, we use him or her and his or her in the sentence. In informal speech or writing, we usually use they, their and them instead.


Not everyone has his or her own computer at the office where I work. (formal)

Everybody has a manager in charge of him or her. (formal)

Everybody has to work hard to finish the task on time. They have to tell the manager when they are done. (informal)

Has everyone got their paper and pen ready? (informal)

Everyone or everybody?

Everyone and everybody mean the same. However, everyone is a little more formal than everybody and it is used more frequently in writing than everybody.

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